Adult patient:
Minimum blood volume: 5 mL |
Paediatric patient:
Paediatric heparin tube
Number of vials: 1
Minimum blood volume: 1.3 mL |
Authorisation code required |
No |
24 Hr available service |
(Call extension: 3353 for express result) |
Method |
Immunoassay |
Reference interval |
< 9.9 mg/L
(Source: from manufacturer's kit insert 2004 and concensus with peadiatricians) |
Clinical indication |
Assessment of acute phase reaction |
Result interpretation |
Elevation indicates acute phase response or active disease in chronic inflammatory disorders.
CRP is a more sensitive early indicator of an acute phase response than is the ESR. It also returns towards normal more rapidly with improvement or resolution of the disease process. The test is less sensitive than the ESR for some disorders e.g. ulcerative colitis, SLE. |
Measurement of uncertainty |
Frequency of measurement |
Daily |