Prolactin, Serum


Specimen requirement

Adult patient:


  Clotted blood tube (Serum gel separator clot activator tube)


Minimum blood volume: 5 mL

Paediatric patient:

Paediatric clotted blood tube


Number of vials: 2


Minimum blood volume: 1.6 mL

Authorisation code required


24 Hr available service




Reference interval


Female (non-pregnant): < 496 mIU/L
Male:  < 324 mIU/L


(Source: from manufacturer's kit insert)

Clinical indication

Assessment of patients with a suspected pituitary tumour; investigation of infertility, amenorrhoea, galactorrhoea and impotence

Result interpretation

Increased levels are found in patients with prolactinomas and hypothalamic disorders, which may be associated with the amenorrhoea-galactorrhoea syndrome.


Renal failure, hypothyroidism, and prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas are also common causes of abnormally elevated prolactin levels.


Some drugs cause increased levels, e.g. phenothiazines, metoclopramide and oestrogens.


Increased levels occur during normal pregnancy and lactation.


Some methods may give falsely high values due to macroprolactin variants.

Measurement of uncertainty

See table.

Frequency of measurement
