Valproic Acid (Epilim), Plasma


Specimen requirement

Adult patient:


  Heparin gel tube


Minimum blood volume: 5 mL

Paediatric patient:


Paediatric heparin tube


Number of vials: 1


Minimum blood volume: 1.3 mL

Authorisation code required


24 Hr available service



(Call extension: 3353 for express result)


Blood should be taken just prior to dose, preferably in the fasting state.



Reference interval

Therapeutic range: 346 - 693 µmol/L


(Source: from manufacturer's kit insert)

Clinical indication

Therapeutic drug monitoring

Result interpretation

Several factors complicate interpretation of valproate levels, including time interval between drug administration and blood sampling, the type of seizures treated, albumin concentration and factors affecting albumin binding of valproate, and the presence of other anti-epileptic drugs and pharmacologically-active metabolites of valproate.


Occasionally, hepatotoxicity may occur with serum levels < 700 µmol/L (< 100 mg/L).


The half-life is about 6 - 20 Hr, but is shorter when valproate is given in combination with other anticonvulsants.

Measurement of uncertainty

See table.

Frequency of measurement
