Comprehensive Drug Screening, Urine

Specimen requirement

Spot urine:


Plain urine bottle


Volume: 10 mL

Authorisation code required


24 Hr available service



Please specify the target drug(s) to be screened, that is (are) relevant to the clinical presentation.


Relevant information must be provided either by data entering into the GCRS system, or by sending a consultation form.


Liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Reference interval

Not applicable

Clinical indication

Detection of drug overdose


Identification of unauthorised taking of legal or illegal drugs by patients with suspicious clinical features

Result interpretation

The presence of drug and / or metabolites indicates past drug taking.


Urinary levels of drugs or metabolites vary with the drug involved, the time since the last dose, the dose taken and individual pharmacodynamics.


If urine creatinine concentration was below 1.8 mmol/L, the presence of drugs / metabolites cannot be excluded due to abnormally dilute urine.


Some drugs are not excreted in urine or detected by the broad spectrum screening method - please consult Duty Biochemist. (See Information on Listed Drug Coverage.)


If the drug taken is known (e.g. paracetamol, salicylate, theophylline), measurement of plasma levels may be more appropriate.

Measurement of uncertainty

Not applicable

Frequency of measurement
