Sending-Out Specimens to Other HA Hospital

Instructions to Clinical Staff

  1. For tests that are not available in NTEC Chemical Pathology Laboratories but available in other HA Hospital, the concerned specimens could be sent to PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory for proper separation, aliquoting, and storage.
  1. A list of send-out tests to other HA Hospitals and the specimen requirement and test request method are shown in Table 1. Referral test will be chargeable to the requesting clinical department with confirmation by the requesting doctor through the Generic Clinical Request System (GCRS). Authorisation from the Duty Biochemist is required for some special tests.
  2. Send-out tests that are not available on the GCRS can be requested using hand-written laboratory request forms with prior arrangement with the Duty Biochemist.
  3. The cost implication (PMH_NLH, QEH, QMH) will be charged to individual requesting department.
  4. For test above HK$3,000-, approval from the Chief-of-Service of the clinical department has to be obtained by filling a Request Form for Send-Out Investigation.
  5. Transportation to other HA Hospital will be provided by our hospital central team on weekly basis.
  6. When the referral test result is available at electronic patient record (ePR), a comment will be issued on the send-out test report printed to the requesting location as a reminder for the requesting doctor to review the result at ePR. However, some send-out test samples will be registered by the referral laboratory and these test reports will be printed to the requesting location directly without any send-out test report/reminder issued by PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory. Requesting doctors are reminded to check and review the send-out test results via ePR and contact the Duty Biochemist for tracing the send-out test results if required.
  7. Please contact the Duty Biochemist (via the telephone operator) for further information.


Table 1. List of send-out tests to other HA hospitals:


Test Specimen Requirement Test Request Referral Hospital Remarks
5-Fluorouracil (5-FU), plasma

Collect 5-FU Stabiliser Pack test kit from Specimen Reception, 3/F, Rapid Response Laboratory, Main Clinical Block, PWH (Tel. No.: 3505 2363), please refer to 'Instruction for 'Specimen Collection and Handling Procedure for plasma 5-Fluorouracil' under 'Clinical Information for Clinical Users' of ward manual for details.
EDTA Whole blood, 3 mL

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
ABG Activity,
dried blood spot
Blood Collection Card, please refer to 'Instruction for Collection of Dried Blood Spots' at section 'Procedures for Sending-Out Specimens' under 'Clinical Information for Clinical Users' of ward manual for details. GCRS HKCH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
The dried blood spot card should be placed horizontally and allowed air-dried for at least
3 hours before putting it into plastic bag. Avoid stacking, touching other surfaces, direct sunlight or direct heating during air-dry.

Adenosine Deaminase (ADA), fluid

1. Fluid (pericardial  / peritoneal / pleural fluid, brown-cap plain bottle): 2 mL
2. CSF: 0.5 mL


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Alpha subunit, serum

Clotted blood tube, 4 mL


Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Apolipoprotein B & A1, plasma

EDTA blood tube, 4 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


ASM Activity, dried blood spot (Niemann-Pick A / B) Blood Collection Card, please refer to 'Instruction for Collection of Dried Blood Spots' at section 'Procedures for Sending-Out Specimens' under 'Clinical Information for Clinical Users' of ward manual for details. GCRS HKCH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
The dried blood spot card should be placed horizontally and allowed air-dried for at least
3 hours before putting it into plastic bag. Avoid stacking, touching other surfaces, direct sunlight or direct heating during air-dry.

Bile Acids, Total, serum

Non-gel clotted blood tube, 4 mL
fasting sample required


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Biotinidase Activity,
dried blood spot

'Blood Collection Card', please refer to 'Instruction for Collection of Dried Blood Spots' at section 'Procedures for Sending-Out Specimens' under 'Clinical Information for Clinical Users' of ward manual for details.


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

The dried blood spot card should be placed horizontally and allowed air-dried for at least
3 hours before putting it into plastic bag. Avoid stacking, touching other surfaces, direct sunlight or direct heating during air-dry.

CAH profile, serum

Non-gel clotted blood tube, 5mL.
See Remarks for details.

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

1. The CAH profile test includes analysis of 11-deoxycortisol, 21-deoxycortisol, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, cortisol, and androstenedione.
2. Request by NTEC Endocrinologists only (Prior consultatoin with Chemical Pathologist is required).

Calprotectin, faecal

1. Special faecal calprotectin sampling bottle.
2. Refer to the 'Patient Instructions for Faecal Calprotectin (FCAL) Test' for details.



(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

Request by PWH
Paediatric GI team only


Non-gel clotted blood tube, 4 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Chromogranin A, serum Serum (clotted blood, no gel),
4 mL
Proton pump inhibitors should be stopped for 2 weeks prior to blood taking.
Fasting sample is preferred.
Handwritten form PMH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Clobazam, serum

Serum (clotted blood, no gel), 4 mL

Trough sample is recommended for therapeutic drug monitoring.
(i.e. Collect blood immediately before next scheduled dose).

Send the specimen to laboratory
within 1 hour after blood collection.

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Copeptin, Serum Serum (clotted blood, no gel), 4mL
(For paediatric patients, minimum blood volume: 1mL)
Handwritten form UCH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

Cortisol, saliva

Saliva collection tube,
Collect saliva collection tube from PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory
Keep in 2 - 8 °C (Patient should return the specimen to PWH within 24 Hr after specimen collection.)
Refer to 'Guideline for the Collection of Saliva Specimen'.

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

Request by NTEC Endocrinologists only.
Specimen will be rejected if specimen arrival to laboratory is > 7 days from specimen collection.

C-terminal Cross-linked Telopeptide of type 1 collagen (beta CTX), serum Serum (clotted blood),
4 mL for adult patients;
2 x 2 mL clotted blood for
paediatric patients, 
Morning fasting blood sample
Handwritten form QEH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Prior to booking with Duty Biochemist of QEH (Tel. No. 3506 2421) is required. Clinical indications:
-Patients with osteoporosis at baseline, 3 to 6 months after initiation of treatment.
-Samples for monitoring should be sent at least one month apart.
Cyclosporin A (CsA), whole blood,
(Special send-out test arrangement on Sat/Sun/Public holiday for urgent cases only)

EDTA Whole blood, 3 mL Handwritten form QMH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
1. Booking with PWH Duty Biochemist is required. PWH Duty Biochemist will arrange the test with QMH Duty Biochemist (through QMH operator 2255 3111).
2. Indicate drug dosage, time of last dose and time point of specimen collection (C0 or C2) on laboratory request form.
3. Sample must arrive the Rapid Response Laboratory (3/F, Main Block) before 9am to ensure same day result reporting.
4. Check ePR for result.
5. For non-urgent case, it should be requested via GCRS. The test will be performed in PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory. Contact Duty Biochemist if urgent result is required during normal working hours.
Cystatin C, plasma

1. Plasma (Paediatric heparin tube, minimum blood volume: 1.3 mL)
2. Number of vials required: 1

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

1. If the requesting doctor wants to request univariate or multivariate cystatin C -based estimated GFR, please note that the test is intended for 1 to 18 years old patient.
2. Please mark the test clearly on handwritten form and indicate the height of the patient for multivariate cystatin C -based estimated GFR.
Cystine and S-sulfocysteine, plasma Paediatric heparin, 2mL, on ice, send to laboratory immediately.
See Remarks for detail.
Handwritten form HKCH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
1. Booking with PWH Duty Biochemist is required at least 1 day prior to sample collection.
2. PWH Duty Biochemist will contact HKCH at 3513 3033 / 3513 3045 for prior arrangement of the test because immediate deproteinisation of the sample in the laboratory is required.
3. Sample must arrive the Rapid Response Laboratory (3/F, Main Block) between 09:00 and 14:30 from Monday to Friday (except for except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) to ensure specimen transportation to HKCH for special handling during normal working hours.
Delta Bilirubin, plasma Plasma (Non-gel heparinised blood tube), 4mL
Collect non-gel heparinised tube from PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory.
Collect fasting sample freshly, shielded from light, and send immediately to the laboratory.
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Dexamethasone, serum Serum (clotted blood, no gel or with gel), 5 mL Handwritten form or
Add-on test to overnight dexamethasone suppression test (ONDST)
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Request by PWH Endocrinologists only.
Eculizumab, serum

Serum (clotted blood, no gel), 4 mL

Trough sample is recommended for therapeutic drug monitoring.
(i.e. Collect blood immediately before next scheduled dose).

Send the specimen to laboratory within 1 hour after blood collection.

Pembrolizumab / Keytruda must be discontinued at least 4 weeks prior to testing for eculizumab quantitation.

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Flecainide, serum

Serum (clotted blood, no gel), 4 mL

Trough sample is recommended for therapeutic drug monitoring.
(i.e. Collect blood immediately before next scheduled dose).

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Folate, RBC EDTA blood tube, 4 mL,
Clotted blood tube, 4 mL
Handwritten form UCH
(Haematology Laboratory)

Fractional excretion of carnitine

1. Non-gel paediatric heparinised blood tube, 1 mL
2. Spot urine (plain bottle), 1 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

Specify patient preparation (e.g. fasting / non-fasting)

Free Fatty Acids, plasma

EDTA blood tube, 4 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Free Light Chain, serum

Serum (clotted blood, no gel or with gel), 5 mL


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Fructosamine, serum

Serum (clotted blood, no gel or with gel), 4 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


GAA Activity,
dried blood spot (Pompe)

1. Blood samples should be collected preferably before meal or at least 2 hours after meal.
2. 'Blood Collection Card', please refer to 'Instruction for Collection of Dried Blood Spots' at section 'Procedures for Sending-Out Specimens' under 'Clinical Information for Clinical Users' of ward manual for details.


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

The dried blood spot card should be placed horizontally and allowed air-dried for at least
3 hours before putting it into plastic bag. Avoid stacking, touching other surfaces, direct sunlight or direct heating during air-dry.
GALC Activity,
dried blood spot (Krabbe)
Blood Collection Card, please refer to 'Instruction for Collection of Dried Blood Spots' at section 'Procedures for Sending-Out Specimens' under 'Clinical Information for Clinical Users' of ward manual for details. GCRS HKCH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
The dried blood spot card should be placed horizontally and allowed air-dried for at least
3 hours before putting it into plastic bag. Avoid stacking, touching other surfaces, direct sunlight or direct heating during air-dry.

GALT Activity,
dried blood spot

'Blood Collection Card', please refer to 'Instruction for Collection of Dried Blood Spots' at section 'Procedures for Sending-Out Specimens' under 'Clinical Information for Clinical Users' of ward manual for details.


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

The dried blood spot card should be placed horizontally and allowed air-dried for at least
3 hours before putting it into plastic bag. Avoid stacking, touching other surfaces, direct sunlight or direct heating during air-dry.

Gastrin, serum

Clotted blood tube, 4 mL, on ice.
Fasting sample is required (H2-blockers should be stopped for 72 Hr and proton pump inhibitors for 2 weeks prior to blood taking).


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


GLA Activity,
dried blood spot (Fabry)

1. Blood samples should be collected preferably before meal or at least 2 hours after meal.
2. 'Blood Collection Card', please refer to 'Instruction for Collection of Dried Blood Spots' at section 'Procedures for Sending-Out Specimens' under 'Clinical Information for Clinical Users' of ward manual for details.


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

The dried blood spot card should be placed horizontally and allowed air-dried for at least
3 hours before putting it into plastic bag. Avoid stacking, touching other surfaces, direct sunlight or direct heating during air-dry.

Globotriaosylsphingosine (Lyso-GB3), plasma

Plasma (Heparin NO gel tube), 4 mL


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Glycosaminoglycan Fractionation, urine

Spot urine (plain bottle), 10 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

Homovanillic acid, spot urine Spot urine (plain bottle), 10 mL,
shielded from light:
1. The following food stuffs to be avoided at least 24 hours before and during urine collection:
Alcohol, banana, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, tea, vanilla; etc
2. The following drugs to be avoided at least 48 hours before and during urine collection:
Bactrim, chinese medicine, levodopa, methyldopa, sympathomimetics; etc
Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Homocysteine, total, plasma

EDTA blood tube, 4 mL on ice


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

IDUA Activity (Gaucher),
dried blood spot
Blood Collection Card, please refer to 'Instruction for Collection of Dried Blood Spots' at section 'Procedures for Sending-Out Specimens' under 'Clinical Information for Clinical Users' of ward manual for details. GCRS HKCH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
The dried blood spot card should be placed horizontally and allowed air-dried for at least
3 hours before putting it into plastic bag. Avoid stacking, touching other surfaces, direct sunlight or direct heating during air-dry.

Immunoglobulin heavy
and light chain pair

Clotted blood tube, 4 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

Investigations for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) / Sudden Unexpected Death in Pediatrics (SUDP)
1. SIDS/SUDP IEM, blood
Plasma (Heparin NO gel tube), 4 mL, on ice, send to laboratory within 30 min. GCRS HKCH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Specimens should be sent to HKCH Pathology Central Reception, 7/F, Tower A, within 3 working days during 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on working Monday to Saturday.
For enquiry, HKCH Chemical Pathology Laboratory at 3513 3033 and Genetic and Genomic Pathology Laboratory at 3513 3096.
Investigations for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) / Sudden Unexpected Death in Pediatrics (SUDP)
2. SIDS/SUDP Gene, blood
Whole blood (EDTA blood tube), 3 mL GCRS HKCH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Specimens should be sent to HKCH Pathology Central Reception, 7/F, Tower A, within 3 working days during 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on working Monday to Saturday.
For enquiry, HKCH Chemical Pathology Laboratory at 3513 3033 and Genetic and Genomic Pathology Laboratory at 3513 3096.
Investigations for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) / Sudden Unexpected Death in Pediatrics (SUDP)
Blood Collection Card, please refer to 'Instruction for Collection of Dried Blood Spots' at section 'Procedures for Sending-Out Specimens' under 'Clinical Information for Clinical Users' of ward manual for details. GCRS HKCH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Specimens should be sent to HKCH Pathology Central Reception, 7/F, Tower A, within 3 working days during 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on working Monday to Saturday.
For enquiry, HKCH Chemical Pathology Laboratory at 3513 3033 and Genetic and Genomic Pathology Laboratory at 3513 3096.
Investigations for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) / Sudden Unexpected Death in Pediatrics (SUDP)

Spot urine (Plain bottle), 10 mL GCRS HKCH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Specimens should be sent to HKCH Pathology Central Reception, 7/F, Tower A, within 3 working days during 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on working Monday to Saturday.
For enquiry, HKCH Chemical Pathology Laboratory at 3513 3033 and Genetic and Genomic Pathology Laboratory at 3513 3096.

Lamotrigine, plasma

Non-gel heparinised blood tube, 4 mL
Collect non-gel heparinised tube from PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory.

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Lipase, plasma

Plasma (Heparinised gel tube), 5 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Lipoprotein Electrophoresis, plasma

Plasma (EDTA blood), 4 mL


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Metabolic Screening,
dried blood spot

Blood Collection Card, please refer to 'Instruction for Collection of Dried Blood Spots' at 'Clinical Information for  Clinical Users' under ward manual for details.


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

The dried blood spot card should be placed horizontally and allowed air-dried for at least
3 hours before putting it into plastic bag. Avoid stacking, touching other surfaces, direct sunlight or direct heating during air-dry.

Metanephrines, free, plasma

Plasma (EDTA blood):
2 x 2 mL for adult patients;
2 x 1 mL for paediatric patients.
(Collect pre-chilled EDTA blood tubes in thermoflask from PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory. Send the specimens to the laboratory on ice immediately after blood taking.)

i) Patient should avoid paracetamol (for 5 days), alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco and strenuous exercise before blood collection.
ii) Patient should be relaxed in supine position for at least 20 minutes before blood collection.
iii) Overnight fasting sample is preferred.

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

Prior to booking with Duty Biochemist of QEH (Tel. No. 3506 2421) is required.

Mycophenoic acid total (MPA), plasma
(Special send-out test arrangement on Sat/Sun/Public holiday for urgent cases only)
EDTA Whole blood, 3 mL Handwritten form QMH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
1. Booking with PWH Duty Biochemist is required. PWH Duty Biochemist will arrange the test with QMH Duty Biochemist (through QMH operator 2255 3111).
2. Indicate drug dosage and time of last dose on laboratory request form.
3. Sample must arrive the Rapid Response Laboratory (3/F, Main Block) before 9am to ensure same day result reporting.
4. Check ePR for result.
5. For non-urgent case, it should be requested via GCRS. The test will be performed in PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory. Contact Duty Biochemist if urgent result is required during normal working hours.

Neurotransmitter, CSF

CSF (plain bottle),
on 4 °C ice blocks in thermo-flask.
CSF volume from 0.5 - 1 mL.
Refer to 'Specimen Collection and Transport Procedure for CSF Neurotransmitters' in details.

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

Prior to arrangement with QMH Duty Biochemist / Pathologist (Tel. No.: 2255 3174) is needed. Send in thermo-flask with -80°C ice blocks and protected from light source.

Oligosaccharides, urine

Spot urine (plain bottle),
10 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Phytosterol, plasma (Synonyms: plant steroid, phytosterol, sitosterol)

Plasma (EDTA blood), 3 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Posaconazole, serum

Serum (clotted blood, no gel), 4 mL

Trough sample is recommended for therapeutic drug monitoring.
(i.e. Collect blood immediately before next scheduled dose).


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

Urgent request requires prior consultation.
For enquiry, please contact HKCH Chemical Pathology Laboratory (3513 3033).

Propafenone, serum

Serum (clotted blood, no gel), 4 mL

Trough sample is recommended for therapeutic drug monitoring.

(i.e. Collect blood immediately before next scheduled dose).

Specimens should only be collected after patient has been receiving propafenone
for at least 3 days.


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Prostate Health Index (PHI), serum

Non-gel clotted blood tube, 4 mL
Send immediately to laboratory within
1 Hr

GCRS only requested
by urologist

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Pterins (Neurotransmitters), urine

Spot urine (plain bottle),
20 mL,
on ice,
shielded from light

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Purine / Pyrimidine Metabolic Screen, urine

Spot urine (plain bottle),
10 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Pyruvate, blood

Please consult with duty biochemist before booking
Collect pyruvate collection kit from PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory
1 mL whole blood with perchloric acid

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Steroid Profile, urine

24 Hr urine (new plain bottle) or
spot urine (plain bottle) for age < 3 months.
Collect Special 24 Hr urine bottle from PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory
Stop hydrocortisone replacement for at least 3 days; stop prednisolone, dexamethasone or other steroid replacement therapy for at least 1 week before sample collection.)
(Collect sample before any steroid-related suppression/stimulation tests, except 3-day dexamethasone suppression test (0.5 mg Q6H) at baseline and day 3 samples)


(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

For spot urine steroid profile, if the patient age > 3 months, please contact QEH on-call Chemical Pathologist (3506 2421) for approval.

Metabolic Screen, urine

Spot urine (plain bottle),
10 mL

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)


Tacrolimus (FK506), whole blood
(Special send-out test arrangement on Sat/Sun/Public holiday for urgent cases only)
EDTA Whole blood, 3 mL Handwritten form QMH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
1. Booking with PWH Duty Biochemist is required. PWH Duty Biochemist will arrange the test with QMH Duty Biochemist (through QMH operator 2255 3111).
2. Indicate drug dosage and time of last dose on laboratory request form.
3. Sample must arrive the Rapid Response Laboratory (3/F, Main Block) before 9am to ensure same day result reporting.
4. Check ePR for result.
5. For non-urgent case, it should be requested via GCRS. The test will be performed in PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory. Contact Duty Biochemist if urgent result is required during normal working hours.
Thiopentone, plasma Plasma (non-gel lithium heparinised blood), 3 mL
(Collect the non-gel lithium heparinised tube from Chemical Pathology Laboratory. )
Handwritten form QMH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Prior to arrangement with QMH Duty Biochemist / Pathologist (Tel: 2255 3174) is required.
Clinical indications:
Write down the date and time of last thiopentone dose on laboratory form.
Collect the non-gel lithium heparinised tube from Chemical Pathology Laboratory.

Total procollagen type 1
N-Propeptide (P1NP), serum

Serum (clotted blood),
4 mL clotted blood for adult patients;
2 x 2 mL clotted blood for paediatric patients.
Morning fasting blood sample,
avoid hemolysis

Handwritten form

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

Prior to booking with Duty Biochemist of QEH (Tel. No. 3506 2421) is required.
Clinical indications:
Patients with osteoporosis at baseline, 3 - 6 months after initiation of treatment.
Samples for monitoring should be sent at least one month apart.

Transketolase, RBC Non-gel heparinised blood tube, 4 mL
Collect non-gel heparinised tube from PWH Chemical Pathology Laboratory.
Handwritten form QMH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Consult PWH Duty Biochemist is required.
Troponin I, high sensitive, plasma Plasma (Li heparinised gel tube), 5 mL Handwritten form NDH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Prior booking with PWH Duty Biochemist is required.

Uracil, plasma
(DPD Phenotyping)

Plasma (Heparin NO gel tube), 3 mL, on ice, send to laboratory within 4 hours. GCRS QMH
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Vitamin A (retinol), serum Fasting overnight (12 - 14 hours) (infants-draw prior to next feeding). Undertaken at least 8 hours post-supplementation.
Serum (clotted blood, no gel), 4 mL
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Send clotted blood sample shielded from light to the laboratory immediately.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine diphosphate), whole blood Fasting overnight (12 - 14 hours) (infants-draw prior to next feeding). Undertaken at least 8 hours post-supplementation.
EDTA whole blood, 2 mL
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Send whole blood sample shielded from light to the laboratory immediately.
Vitamin B2 (flavin adenine dinucleotide), whole blood Fasting overnight (12 - 14 hours) (infants-draw prior to next feeding). Undertaken at least 8 hours post-supplementation.
EDTA whole blood, 2 mL
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Send whole blood sample shielded from light to the laboratory immediately.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate), whole blood Fasting overnight (12 - 14 hours) (infants-draw prior to next feeding). Undertaken at least 8 hours post-supplementation.
EDTA whole blood, 2 mL
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Send whole blood sample shielded from light to the laboratory immediately.
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), serum Fasting overnight (12 - 14 hours) (infants-draw prior to next feeding). Undertaken at least 8 hours post-supplementation.
Serum (clotted blood, no gel), 4 mL
(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)
Send clotted blood sample shielded from light to the laboratory immediately.

Xanthochromia, CSF

1. CSF: 1 mL (Collected in sterile plain tube, shielded from light, send immediately to the laboratory. See Remarks for detail.)
2. Blood: 4 mL (Collected in heparin gel tube and paired blood sample for LFT to be requested via GCRS.)

Handwritten form
(Booking with Duty Biochemist is required.)

(Chemical Pathology Laboratory)

1. Lumbar puncture (LP) should be performed at least 12 hours after suspected bleed.
2. CSF specimen may be required for various investigations such as microbiological examination, protein and glucose estimation.
- The first specimen should be placed in a fluoride tube for glucose, followed by microbiology investigation (sterile container).
- To avoid contamination from red cells as a result of traumatic lumbar puncture, reserve at least the 3rd and ideally the last LP sample for CSF xanthochromia.
3. Specimen should be protected from light immediately after collection to avoid degradation of bilirubin.
4. Specimen should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible. Do NOT transport the specimen with the pneumatic tube transport system.